Complementary Therapies
Complementary Therapy block bookings for Residential Homes or other communal spaces will receive discounts depending on volume.
Clothing does not have to be removed for many treatments, Chaperones are welcome
Full Body Massage………………..£ 40…1 hour
Back/Neck/Shoulders………….£ 25…Half hour
Feet / Head / Hands……………£ 25…Half hour
Hydrotherm Massage…………. £ 45.. 1 Hour
( Hydrotherm is especially suitable for infirm clients with restricted mobility, please contact us for details)
Reiki……………………………………….. £ 40 ..1 hour….. £25 Half hour
Reflexology…………………………….£ 35..1 hour
Hot Stones Massage…………….£ 40….1 hour
Indian Head Massage…………..£ 25 ….Half hour
Hypnotherapy : First consultation ( 1 hour ) is free, 1 hour sessions £65.00 thereafter based on tailored support
If you are in need and cost is a problem we are happy to provide a free first treatment with no obligation to continue and we can talk about where we go from there for continued support.
To book a treatment or discuss how we can help the please call us on 01527 454611 up to 8pm
or email