Complementary Therapies
Treatments may be a simple gentle soothing massage to feet, hands or head or perhaps something more extensive to suit each individual and their circumstances. Respect for dignity is assured
Relatives and carers are just as important and we are pleased to include everyone.
A wide range of treatments are available and are especially beneficial to those who may be immobile, including motor neuron disease sufferers, for muscle and joint relief due to inactivity. Please see Hydrotherm Massage
We provide a truly holistic approach attending to mind, body and spirit using a variety of methods with particular respect and regard for privacy.
Your experience is likely to be very different from Spa treatments with our unique blend of music and gentle touch technique.
Please click on the links for a full explanation of our treatments
Full Body Hot Stones Indian Head Hydrotherm Butterfly
Other Treatments
Aromatherapy Reflexology Hypnotherapy Acupressure
Reiki – Usui and Karuna Master
Special Treatments
Amethyst Massage for Cancer Patients Meditation Stress Reduction
Anxiety, stress and sleep problems are common experiences and we can dramatically help reduce these effects by simple soothing and lasting techniques

Please contact us by phone or email to discuss your situation in confidence